Sunday, July 04, 2004

Yesterday, Today and....

My brother FINALLY came up to visit me yesterday. We hung out and talked from noon till 3, then we went down to the inlaws cabin and dropped some stuff off. Then we went up to Sue and Dale's cabin. Lots of food that I'm not supposed to have and lots of family hanging out. When it got dark, I had the kids write their names in the air with sparklers and tried to take pics of them. Then they set off some ground fireworks and we all split. I left Deb at the inlaws cabin and came back home.

Today was a different story. We had chicken and ribs at the inlaws cabin. Lots of the family showed up and we had a nice lunch. I think I made the mistake of drinking some iced tea. I got a splitting headache around 3 in the afternoon that kept coming and going all day. I laid down around 7 and that didn't help very much. So, I left at 9 and came home. I missed the kids playing with the fireworks tonite tho, and that's the best part of the 4th. The waiting for a major skin burn. :)

The neighbors across the road were setting off the "Good" fireworks. Some of these were going 80 to 100 feet in the air. They had a good amount of cool ones...I don't know how many I missed tho.

So, I took some pain pills and more Tylenol and sat down and wrote this.

I've got a lot of pics from yesterday and today and I'm going to post them now. Go check them out by clicking here.

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