Thursday, July 22, 2004

Drunk Web Surfing

Lots of stuff today too...

I got up late and went to rehab.  I wanted to head up early so I could go to the doctor and get some forms filled out, but it didn't happen.  When I'm finishing, an older lady asks me..."So, what do you plan on doing after you finish rehab?"  I say..."Eating an entire cheesecake."  I finish rehab around noon and have to wait till 12:45 when the doctors office opens.  I head up to the Weis store for some pasta salad and a huge bottle of Evian.  I get in the car and eat, put on the sunglasses and they break.  Great.  There's a CVS store next to the Weis.  I go in and a woman I went to High School with is working there, Peg Luck.  Actually, she's the manager.  I knew that she worked there before and I had been in a few times, but she's never been there.  We caught up a little and I got my sunglasses and headed to the doctors.

I go in and hand my forms over and I tell the nurse I've been having a lot of pain since I've been back to work.  They say a nurse will come out and talk to me.  Next thing I know, they're doing an EKG.  The doc sees me and says that this is probably just normal pain from getting back to work.  He wants me to monitor it and if it gets worse, come back.

Well, this scene takes longer than I thought it would, so I'm pushing it to get to work.  I figured I'd go home and get my Palm and then head to the pharmacy.  This doesn't happen.  Chrissy covers me and picks up my prescription.  Since it's the pain pills, I'm very glad that she does.

Since I don't have the palm, I don't have the stuff in the wallet it's in.  No plastic, so I had to pay cash for the sunglasses.  No key for my locker at work, so no music, no gum, etc.

I couldn't get a steward at the beginning of the night, when he wanted me, so I had to wait until around 7.  He seems to think the MDO will capitulate and he may not even have to grieve it.  That would be cool.

BUT, the coolest thing of the whole day was my cell phone.  The only piece of tech I had with me.  Before, I would have to go out of the cafeteria and across the courtyard to get any signal.  Well, I just happen to turn the phone on at my usual table in the cafeteria and, lo and behold, SIGNAL!!!  So I wander around the building a bit.  Practically everywhere in the building has coverage.  AT&T has finally added the Cingular service to their network.  Thanks AT&T, your soulless, monopolistic dominance is working for me.  :)

Tomorrow will be the conclusion of my (almost) first full week back.  So far so good.


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