Tuesday, September 14, 2004

These are you Children, see what you have done...

Got up and went to rehab. Lost another pound too. They're so proud of me up there. Two more guys started today. One of 'em is around my age. Louise went over some of the exercises with me at the end of my workout.

Headed home, got some lunch and headed to work. Work has been pretty benign lately, so we know that some shit is right around the corner.

We had a meeting today. At the end of the meeting, one of the gun nut assholes says "I want to say that today is a historic day. We're getting rid of the oppression of the Clinton administration..." And that's where I turned off. But the Pointy Headed Boss engaged the guy. So we had a political discussion on the workfloor, which is a BIG no-no. Nice to know that the gun nut postal workers can all go out and buy assault weapons now, huh?

An uneventful day. Came home and did this. I have a client to see tomorrow, so I'm wrappin' up.


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