Thursday, September 01, 2005


I thought mandatory evacuation meant. "You have to go, now, get on the bus" Evidentally, mandatory evacuation means. "You have to go, now, good luck!"

So the people left are primarily poor other way to say

One thing we know for certain is that there will be more hurricane events like this. So here's what I say.

When the governor calls for mandatory evac, that's what it means. They will have the power to go to as many states as necessary and commandeer their buses. Police will go house to house and tell people it's time, can you drive? If yes, they get in their car and go. Their doors must be left unlocked so emergency teams know a house is vacant. If they can't drive, they can get on the bus that the police are providing.

If they resist officers can use any force necessary, and I mean any. Taser, 9mm, whatever it takes.

Police are being pulled out of search and rescue now to find and control looters. So, as far as I'm concerned, the looters are accessories to murder. If you stay behind in a situation like this your one of 3 things.

1) Stupid. The govt. will think for you in this instance. You can bitch about it, but at least you'll be alive to bitch.

2) Protecting Your Property. You won't have to. There won't be anyone there other than emergency crews.

3) Looting. Bad people. Should be shot anyway.

Now, I know people are looting now for survival. But I heard a report today that a woman was coming out of Walmart with a Dyson vacumn cleaner. That's not an essential, last time I heard.

On to other stuff

Go to Weezy and the Swish, Download Podcast 12 and go in 55 minutes. You can listen to the whole thing, but this is really funny.

Listened to The Rock and Roll Geek Show. Great interview with Jim Vallance. You don't know the name. But you've heard TONS of his songs.

Go to Adam Curry's Daily Source Code and download episode 231. Go into 22:55 and have some hair stand up on your neck. On me!!

Then check out this GREAT video for the band Ok,Go!

More than enough for tonite.



Anonymous said...

Looters should be castrated....from the neck down!


Anonymous said...

S S and S - Shoot, Shovel, and Shut up. that's how to deal with the looters.

Glad to see you are posting again.


Mr. Fitz said...

Food looters I give a break. Anybody looting for profit can be shot on the spot. Now what about these gas looters?

Mr. Fitz said...

P.S. Good to see you too Max.