Saturday, September 17, 2005

I'm gonna hit you.....

....till candy comes out.

Got up and actually did some stuff around the house. Rolling along really well, then I thought, "Man, I know we're moving into fall but it's really getting dark early." This was around 4:30. Then it started raining, and I mean nasty ass HARD rain.

Then, of course, the power went out.

I shut everything off and went outside. Just sheets of rain coming in. Hung out for awhile and Deb came home. We went into town to eat. Passed a PP&L truck on the way in, so we figured the lights would be on when we got home.

They weren't.

So we figured we'd run a cable up and fire up the generator. I got it runnin' and the tv was firing up and then the generator just shut off. I guess I should have let it run for 5 minutes or so before putting a load on it. The pain in the ass part about this is that it takes the satellite so long to boot up.

Anyway, I went down, fired it up again and hooked up the tv. It took forever to boot. We watched for about 5 minutes....and then the power came on. So I had to shut off the generator and wait another "forever" for it to boot back up again.

So it did and we were finally able to shut off our brains and be sold foreign cars and mayonaisse.

PSU tomorrow. I should put a bunch of pics up soon.

Do you want it? Do you?



Anonymous said...

Pics from Paterno State University are always long as they aren't 99% composed of those blasted cheerleaders...I know you too well :D


Anonymous said...

So you really expect no cheerleaders? Really? Aren't there a bunch of Stadium hotties in the photo site also?


Anonymous said...

Someone forget his memory card :)


Mr. Fitz said...

Absolutely pics of stadium hotties. When I have enough presence of mind to bring my freakin' memory card.

I want to get a little pouch for the camera strap that will hold a few cards. I have them for the old camera to hold rolls of film. SOMEBODY has to make them.