Thursday, January 11, 2007

Days 8, 9 and 10 (WD 4,5 and 6)

I'm a very impatient person.

I like to get stuff done.

This is driving me crazy. :)

I thought that I'd just be able to move stuff and get it in the trailer and that would be it. Well, it's not working out that way. Some stuff is just too heavy for me to move by myself. Some stuff (I think) needs to be trashed and my second opinion isn't coming down stairs. I also have to clean as I go. As well as the occasional minor repair to make things operational.

I've got a heating element that Deb used for her greenhouse placed in the trailer. We were down to 16 degrees last night. I don't want it balmy in the trailer, but I do want to try to keep it above freezing. If I can do that I'll be a little less paranoid about putting some things in there.

I need to get some stuff moved out of the middle room upstairs so I can move some of the more delicate stuff from the basement up in there. I'd hate to lose comix and stuff like that just because there was no room to keep them without moisture.

I think we will put the xmas stuff away on Sunday and store it in the truck, then I will continue on stuff Sunday and Monday. I'm into a couple of the big pieces now. Moving them out will make a huge difference in the view and my sanity.

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