Thursday, November 04, 2004


I'd like to apologize to the rest of the planet for our incapability of electing the smarter guy president. We have a disproportionately high number of stupid people in our country and, unfortunately, we allow them to vote.

Is Arafat dead? Isn't he? How are you doing in your office pool? :)

I went to the local Dr. today. My Cardio Dr. took me off of two meds and today is the first day without. He started me on an anti-anxiety pill too. My neck still bothers me, but I feel a little better. Saturday will tell the tale though, when we go to the game.



Anonymous said...

"I'd like to apologize to the rest of the planet for our incapability of electing the smarter guy president. We have a disproportionately high number of stupid people in our country and, unfortunately, we allow them to vote."

That is such an asinine comment. So everyone else who had a different opinion and exercised their right to vote is stupid???? You sound like the extremists in Haarlem who want to break off from the rest of the country due to the election results.

Anonymous said...

Breaking off from the rest of the country...hmmm...not a bad idea. ;-)

Anonymous said...

- Chrissy

Mr. Fitz said...

That is such an asinine comment.

One person's asinine comment is another person's truth.

So everyone else who had a different opinion and exercised their right to vote is stupid????

No, just the one's who voted for Bush. Specifically, the one's who voted for him because he believes in god. Evidentally that takes precedence over logic.

You sound like the extremists in Haarlem who want to break off from the rest of the country due to the election results.

I heard a comment the other night that, even though we're 140 years too late, the South can go ahead. :) We looked into moving to Canada, but it takes up to a year to be verified.

Anonymous said...

"No, just the one's who voted for Bush. Specifically, the one's who voted for him because he believes in god. Evidentally that takes precedence over logic."

It's rather difficult for us to understand why on Earth you'd vote for Bush. There's very little about what he stands for that we agree with, if anything. And, honestly, with what he's done to our does seem rather STUPID to us that you'd even color in that little dot next to or touch the button with his name.

So maybe the better way to say it is...

We don't think those who voted for Bush are stupid, we just think their decision was stupid.

It's a difference of opinion and the election still stings us. Don't worry though, we'll get over our losses in about four years when Hillary cleans up. ;-P


Anonymous said...

Just cleaning up the mess Clinton made :)
