Saturday, July 31, 2004

A Soggy Saturday

Still reeling from yesterday's huge Democratic rally in Harrisburg. My feet are still hurting too.

Maureen came over this morning. I moved her time back to 11 am from 9 am because I was really diggin' the bed. She got here and promptly gave me hell for bad directions. I don't blame her, I hate to give bad directions. But, she comes from the opposite direction that I direct most people from. I'm not very specific from there and I should write some up so I can give specific ones.

We went over all the stuff on her laptop and new printer. Spent several hours, but I think she's gonna do just fine.

Deb and I ate a bit, then headed over to Selinsgrove for some badly needed sneakers on my part. Did I mention how much fun it is to try on sneakers with aching feet? :) We wandered around looking at grills and treadmills and refrigerators and the like. Then we headed up to DQ for my weekly treat, over to WallyWorld for a birthday card and then back home.

It's a quick one tonight. I'm gonna put some more photos of the rally up later.

Have fun.


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