Tuesday, July 27, 2004

The Kids want a Saviour and don't need a Fake.

I headed up a little early (finally) to get to the doctors.  They were supposed to have my paperwork ready for me.  They didn't.  So I do the rehab thing and head home.  Then I go to work.

The day was pretty uneventful.  Almost asshole free.  Notice I say almost.

I'm working in the manual cases now.  The case is about 4 feet wide and there are cross supports about 1 foot up.  Great place to prop your feet every now and then.  It helps to move around alot to relieve the pressure in my chest.  Now, you have to understand that they switch supervisors in the middle of my shift.  I'm about 20 minutes from wrapping up for the evening and this "genius" says to me, "You have to put your feet on the floor".  I look at him with my best "You've got to be kidding me." face.  He says "You have to keep one foot on the floor."  I'm still looking at him with my dumbstruck face.  He says "Please don't do that." in probably the most condecending way imaginable.

So, one of two things are going to happen.  One, I will have the doctor write me a note that says I can prop both of my feet up.  The idea behind this is that, when I see him, I'll put both feet up.  Then when he comes over to give me shit, I'll just hand him the note without looking at him and keep working.

Two, if the doc won't give me the note.  I'll just disappear every time I have discomfort from this shit.  I CAN get a note for that.  God I hate useless bullshit.

Anyway, just radio tonight.  Listened to the DNC tonight.  Some really good speeches tonight.  I was pleasantly surprised with Al Gore's speech.  Self depricating, funny, powerful.  A few more of those four years ago and we wouldn't be in the mess we're in today.  Bill Clinton was electric.  Like there was any doubt.  The reason for tonight's blog title is hearing a two second clip of "Elected" by Alice Cooper, just in case you didn't get it.



Anonymous said...

Don't be associating the almighty Coop with Mr. and Mrs. Billery and Mr. and Mrs. Heinz.....he'd have better taste in candidates and supporters! ;D

Mr. Fitz said...

I didn't make the association. WBZ in Boston did. ...and I knew you had to make a comment on this one.

Anonymous said...

I didn't even sign it and you knew who it was :)
BTW, I winged you on that Kiss thread, too! :D


Mr. Fitz said...

I winged you back. Really well too.

Mr. Fitz said...

The night of the rally I heard "Billion Dollar Babies" on the radio cruising downtown Harrisburg.

Mr. Fitz said...

The night of the rally I heard "Billion Dollar Babies" on the radio cruising downtown Harrisburg.