Friday, August 19, 2005

Alrighty then.....

.....flog me with that proverbial wet noodle.

I've been much amiss in posting lately. To be honest, I've had tons to do and have had an overwhelming feeling of tired the past few weeks. I feel like I'm starting to come out of it and I had to tell you first. Because you know I love you best of all.

Taking the car up today to get serviced. Cat is hooking up with me. I'm selling her some phones and we're gonna go out and do some stuff.

Other than that, I will try to do a piece on the funeral from hell and some of the other stuff you have missed.

BTW. My cousin Steve's wife died this week. She was in her 40's and had suffered from cancer for several years. A real nice lady and a real fighter. She will be missed on this planet.



Anonymous said...

"Taking the car up today to get serviced. Cat is hooking up with me. I'm selling her some phones and we're gonna go out and do some stuff."

And I did, and you did, and we did :)


Anonymous said...

Oy! The two of you! Oy!

Anonymous said...

And THAT we didn't!


Hey, Fitz, when ya gonna update this thingy?