Friday, April 01, 2005

It's there.

Just type it in your little browser and you'll see......not much.

Just a holding page and a few links back to here.....that's where the podcasts will be based out of.....a permanent site that I own, so blogger can't kick me out in the middle of the night.

Things have been megasupercrazy here. I almost had a meltdown Saturday when I couldn't find a ton of my CD's. I've been working on 991's for the PO. That's the real world's equivalent of a resume done "Postal Style". An extreme pain in the ass. But I can finally decompress for a few days and do all of the other shit I have to do.

Here's something cool....Do you like old people or young people better? Harvard wants to know. Go here for the IAT test

So how's by you?



Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're in a better mood, dearie :)


Mr. Fitz said...

glad to be in a better was a little touch and go there....but i'm back!!!