Monday, January 17, 2005

A Visit From Royalty

Well, almost.

Laura Swisher stopped by and checked out my blog. That's very cool. Thanks Swish.

I'm finally getting my shit together after the holidays. I realized that things start getting screwed up before the holiday. I start losing track of everything and everything gets disorganized. Then, around the middle of January it starts coming back together.

I've been listening to a lot of hate speech radio lately. I can believe that people who listed to this warped logic enough can start to believe it. It's a good idea to find out how the enemy thinks, ya know.

Don't forget to boycott all goods and services on Inauguration day, or Black Thursday as I like to call it.

It took me 3 passes, but I finally got the router hooked up to the internet. And, as a plus, my old switch works with it. Now I can hold off until I get the wireless laptop to get the wireless hub.

Speaking of wireless, I picked up a set of wireless headphones the other day. They work clear across my house. It'll be nice when I'm wandering around at night.

They're starting to use the turnstiles at work. Remember, it's not safety, it's another level of control. They work with my badge, but I'm gonna stay away from them until I absolutely have to use them.

Lot's of little stuff happening. Keep lookin' in and I'll talk atcha later.


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