Friday, October 15, 2004


Sorry I've haven't posted for awhile.

Last Wednesday at work I had some problems. It was pretty much all the symptoms of a heart attack. I managed to make it home and felt pretty weak. Got up the next morning and felt ok, but as soon as I started moving around I felt weak again.

I went to the Dr's office and they sent me to the emergency room. I stayed in the hospital overnite for observation and they gave me a stress test on Friday. It was a nuclear thing and they gave me a drug that artificially stressed me. I came home Friday, but they didn't let me go back to work till Tuesday. I had to go back in Monday for a resting test. The same radioisotope, but no treadmill or chemical.

We went to the PSU vs. Perdue game on Saturday. I had to walk nice and easy, but other than that I was fine. It was a pretty good game. 108,000 people were there, and they were very noisy.

There was some stupidity at work that I'm not gonna get into here. I don't think it was a factor, but it might have been. The doctor released me for the same type of work. I've been having trouble the last few days keeping up. I don't think I can keep doing it, but it may be something like a muscle pull or something. I go see the general practicioner on Monday.

We've been ripping out insulation today. We'll be doing that tomorrow too. The electrical guy will be here Tuesday to fix the meter and put in the new box.

I won't be posting as much as I had been, but I will pick it back up again at some point. I will try to do several a week tho, so keep checking in.

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