Saturday, September 11, 2004


Got up this morning and went into Two Sisters to do some photography for their website. I maintain their website as well. When I feel up to it, I'll add it to the link section. Paula and Betsy are a lot of fun. We always have a great time. I shot for about an hour and headed up to rehab. I got to do my full routine.

Then I headed back home. I was having trouble with some, well, a lot of the pics coming out too dark. So I adjusted what I had and burned them off and headed back into the shop. I figured out what the problem was reshot most of what we did, but it was worth it. I'll let you know when I post them.

I went into the store and got some salad and dressing, then I came home. My butt was really draggin', so I tried to take a little nap. Deb came home, then the 3 of us headed into Stop 35 for dinner. Picked up a lottery ticket and headed home.

I helped Deb fill out her food diary and then went online. Chrissy and I watched a movie called "Boondock Saints". It was pretty cool, a real shoot em up with religous overtones. I got to have a long chat with Cat while I was watching it. Even though she said it would be a short one.

Then I surfed for awhile and started this.

Talk to you later.


Anonymous said...

Ok so sue me....I can't tell time :)


Mr. Fitz said...

That's ok....that's not being able to tell time in a good way.